Friday, October 28, 2011

A Safety Note from Sherri

According to Government Statistics, accidental drowning is the number one cause of death for children under the age of five in the USA. Pool Fencing is the safest choice to prevent this kind of tragedy.

Play it safe, install a pool fence. Have questions? Feel free to give Pool Guard Texas a call. We would love to answer any and all of your pool safety questions.

Houston: 281-495-8800

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Green with envy

This  is not the green you feel when you are first pregnant, but infact the envy of your friends when you go GREEN and you and your baby and family are healthy and just glowing.

The Houston Baby Planner is now offering three different Educational seminars on GREEN, each  also showing you the changes you need to make, but the challenges you might have if you don't.  This is not to scare anyone, but instead to educate and understand what is going on around you,  and offer you the opportunity to make changes...

Class 1 is Preconception Green and it discusses what you need to know before you get pregnant.  It  also deals with  Infertilkity and how to make chnges in your life that can make a difference.

Class 2 is Greening with Pregnancy, and offering suggestions to help you stay healthy and what to avoid to maintain your status and improve your babies health.

Class 3 is FourthTrimester Greenup and how to be GREEN as a new Mommy.  We also discuss the facts of creating a Mommy Plan, so you can stay healthy both in mind, body and spirit.

Another option being offered is Designing a GREEN nursery, and not referring to the wall color!  As a designer and baby planner, it just reflects in the research that I feel you may want to investigate to give your new little bay a chance to live a healthier life!  And again, I am non judgemental and if this is not your ideal, than that is fine.  My babies didn't have GREEN surrounding them and they are just fine..or are they!

None of the classes will enforce that you must tranfer to a GREENER life, but Educate you in the facts and let you make your own Educated choices.

These are fun and factural and The Houston Baby Planner is non judgemental and realizes that not everyone has the same  goals and thought process.

As always, remember           BETTER PLANNING MAKES BETTER BABIES!


The Houston Baby planner

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or call me         281 389 1218

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